Sunday, August 25, 2013

SOAPST Aspects

"Speech to the Troops at Tilbury"
        By: Queen Elizabeth

       Reading Queen Elizabeth's speech tells the reader that it is coming from a powerful figure. The Queen of England speaks to her people and especially to her troops to support them and to encourage them to fight on. She is very strong willed and assuring to her audience which are the citizens of England and the brave troops at Tilbury. Even though she is speaking to England she also realizes that this speech will be heard around the world. To create a stronger and more comfortable bond with the troops she dresses as a soldier and stands on the same ground as her audience to support them and show them that she will fight for England as well. She has a very hopeful and inspirational tone throughout the speech. Since England is the underdog in the situation The Queen tries to encourage and challenge the people to rise to the occasion. Elizabeth tells her troops and citizens that she is somehow just like one of them but she also mentions how she is above them to show her power. Her appeal in ethos is powerful because of the fact that she is the great Queen of England. She appeals to the audiences pathos when she mentions how she has the body of a "weak and feeble woman" but she reassures her audience by telling them she has the "heart and stomach of a king, and of a king of England too." Queen Elizabeth's speech is very effective and powerful, she inspires England to fight on and stay strong.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Chocolate? Or Brain Food?

"Chocolate may help keep brain healthy, sharp in old age, study says."
By: Melissa Pandika
Source: LA Times

In this La Times article Melissa Pandika tells her audience about a study done by neurologists. Researchers noted that chocolate can be helpful in improving brain health and thinking skills for the elderly. A group of researchers concluded that older people who did poorly on a reasoning and memory test had less blood flowing to their brains. Neurology researchers wanted to see if consuming chocolate could help improve blood flow to the brain for elderly people. They put together 60 elderly people for their new study. The subjects drank two cups of chocolate every day for 30 days, they had to complete a test before and after each cup. Most subjects showed major improvement after drinking hot chocolate every day for one month. The people who initially did not do well on the test showed an 8% improvement in blood flow to their brains and a one minute faster reaction time on the test. Although the researchers discovered that chocolate does help improve brain health for the elderly they have not figured out what chemical or substance triggers the improvement and are still trying to find out what it is. If they eventually find out what the substance is they could even turn that into a pill form.
        This article is very informative and could be very helpful especially for elderly people. Researchers proved that consuming chocolate could help blood flow to an elderly persons brain which would most likely improve their memory and keep their brain healthier and sharper. Since most elderly people are not physically active this could be a way to help get more blood pumping throughout their body and especially to their brains.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Advertisement post


      Most or all big companies use rhetorical strategies to grab consumers attention and hopefully convince them to invest in their product. This funny and eye-catching advertisement for a new Sprite drink gives off that cool and refreshing feel you get when you take a sip of an ice cold soda. In the picture the girl is frozen but she seems to be enjoying it and is very excited about it. The advertisement is not only telling people to invest in Sprite but to invest in a new and different branch of Sprite called "Sprite Ice Blue". The girl in the advertisement is frozen with happiness and seems to be very refreshed. There are small details in the picture that make a difference and pull the whole thing together. The new product that they are trying to sell is the "Ice Blue" version which makes most consumers think of something cold and refreshing on a hot day. In the picture the girl is wearing a bluish tank top, has a blue tongue, and has blue eyes. The purpose of this advertisement it that the company is trying to give off the aspect of being completely satisfied and refreshed.This advertisement is trying to target anyone who is out on a hot day or needs a cool refreshment. The ethos in this picture comes from the Sprite bottle which almost all people are familiar with. This appeals to the audience's pathos because of the girls excitement and refreshed look in her eyes that make you want to run down to the nearest 7-11 and grab an ice cold soda. Since there is no factual or numerical information in the advertisement it does not call to one's logos therefore we will never know if "Sprite Ice Blue" really does freeze your face and make your tongue blue.

The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch (Favorite Book)

     The Last Lecture is arguably the most sympathetic non-fiction novel I have read. Many professors give lectures or speeches titled the "Last Lecture" because they are either resigning or they have an idea of when their time is ending. Randy Pausch, was diagnosed with terminal cancer, he decided to make his Last Lecture unforgettable at the Carnegie Mellon institute and also turned it into a novel. This lecture gave lessons that would change your view on your life and everything around you. The novel was about the importance of overcoming obstacles, and enjoying and using every minute you have wisely. This novel is Randy leaving his legacy and imparting his wisdom onto the world he was leaving. The Last Lecture is my favorite book because of the impact it leaves on you. The book makes you think about everything you have and living your life to the fullest. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to be reminded about the greatness of life. This book is full of wise and unforgettable life lessons. Randy Pausch has written this book with humor, inspiration, and intelligence that made his Last Lecture at the university so unforgettable. This novel is written to inspire and educate its audience. It is one of the most inspirational novels that will be passed down through many generations.